Did you know that a simple saliva test can measure over 600,000 pieces of your DNA. Genetic information can be used to see what biochemical processes in your body are moving quicker or slower than average. This can indicate which nutrient(s), foods, amino acids, vitamins are in higher demand in your body vs those which need to be avoided. Genetic information can be extremely helpful. Our genetics affect our health as well as the environment. These things together, when understood in as much detail as possible, can help us get to the root cause(s) of imbalance. Everyone has some level of genetic variation in their DNA…it’s not just a rare occurrence. Since variants can impact your ability to make and use different nutrients, everyone is susceptible in their own unique way. Variants in your DNA can impact:
Mood and brain function
Gluten tolerance
Lactose tolerance
Blood sugar regulation
Mitochondrial function
Free radical production & premature aging
Master antioxidant production
And more!
How do genes work? Your genes come from DNA which are in the center of every cell. These genes “code” or give instructions on how to make proteins and enzymes. Proteins and enzymes run biochemical reactions in our body. Such reactions include detoxification, making new cells, new DNA, making energy, pretty much every function in the body. Proteins are the body’s building blocks, and we have up to 150,000 different kinds of them making up our cells. These protein molecules usually change their shape when triggered by environmental factors such as foods, toxins, emotions, etc. The implication is that, by altering our environment, we can essentially change our genetic outcome. Consequently, the outcome of our genetics – activating or switching off certain genes – is largely dependent on the type of signals being projected to our cells and how the cell membranes interpret them. This process usually begins with the receptor proteins on the membrane receiving a signal from the environment. The proteins then process this information and alter their forms according to the signal received, and then transmit that information to the chromosomes. It is here where it is decided whether the gene shall be expressed (switched on) or not. Genetic information, helps us understand how your genes may be functioning. Knowing how these processes work is both fascinating and helpful.
MTHFR – a gene with a reputation The MTHFR gene is well-known because there has been more testing and research on it. Up to 60% of the population has a genetic defect in this gene. This is ONE gene out of hundreds and they all effect each other. However, for the sake of example, MTHFR defect is associated with migraines, depression, anxiety, Parkinson’s, autism (98% of autistic patients have this), miscarriage, chronic fatigue, peripheral neuropathy. Those who have this defect have an increased risk of cancer, do not detox heavy metals as well, and have a tendency toward addictions. Changing the diet and taking specific supplementation can compensate for this genetic defect but it is always recommended to investigate other important genes as well. LEARN MORE ABOUT MTHFR & METHYLATION....
What does Nutrigenomics mean? Nutrigenomics, also known as Nutritional genomics, is a science studying the relationship between human genome, nutrition and health. Our office specializes in this field and strives toward developing an understanding of how the body's biology responds to nutrition and supplements, and how one's genetic predisposition can be a disruptive factor.
Knowing your MTHFR status, and concluding that you understand your genetic story, is like reading the first chapter of the Harry Potter series, and saying you know how it ends” - Dr. John C Thomas. The bottom line: Over 250 cellular activities in the body, from making energy, repairing your cells, dealing with stress, making and breaking your hormones, neurotransmitters, detoxification of heavy metals, chemicals, fighting infection, supporting your immune system, and burning fuel, require a complete understanding of your full genetic predisposition.
How do I get started? Understanding how DNA impacts human health is revolutionizing the future of naturopathy and nutrition. This practical, forward-looking approach of supporting genetic variants with nutritional supplementation is based on scientific evidence. With this approach, we help find answers that were not available before. Ask us today how doing a simple saliva test can determine if your DNA is hindering your health. We offer both in-office as well as long-distance genetic nutritional consultations via Zoom.